Message from the founder

Asha Saxena
Founder & CEO, WLDA

Private Network for Today’s Women Tech Leaders

WLDA was created because of my passion for data and AI, and my desire to see more women in the field. I believe that mentorship and peer-to-peer feedback is the best way for women to learn from and uplift each other for the betterment of all.

Since its creation, WLDA has been a place to build authentic connections and lifelong relationships that bring members success, learning, and a direction in which to pay it forward.

Welcome to the WLDA community! 

Shaping A Place For Women leaders to Grow and Unite

WLDA is designed for smart ambitious female technology executive leaders who already have a seat at the table, and who are leveraging our platform to increase their ability to create a ripple effect in their organizations.

Apply to join our exclusive membership network of hundreds of WLDA members from some of the worlds leading Fortune 1000  companies. Connect and network with leading women tech professionals across industries by utilizing our influential network. 

WLDA Corporate Sponsors

WLDA Members Comes From The Following Organizations :

Meet our experienced leadership team and advisory board members who envision a Future – Fueled by Innovation, Technology and Expertise.

Explore our founding and allied member community and gain inspiration and advice from a vetted brain trust of senior leaders in executive technology roles. 

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